Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Arrived in Paris.
Charles de Gaulle


walked around Paris and ate a crepe

from this place.

we then went to Notre Dame

while waiting to go up, we saw some guy try to beat up an old man because the old man wanted to use his driveway.

The detail is amazing.

The view is pretty good from up top. 


These guys are fairly high up, and sometimes gargoyles fall off the building...

One of my favorites is the elephant :D

my family. It was pretty windy up here.

inside the right tower was this huge bell.

and a really bored guard. 

the human gargoyle (top mid right) was also a favorite of mine.

along with the facemaker (mid right)

I also found some brooms up here.

the view from the very top. 

Going inside...


this guy was all over the place

i decided to shoot from the front.

there were a lot of statues inside. 

while walking home I saw some interesting graffiti. 

and had mussels for dinner. It was delicious. 
in the restaurant I also saw a mouse running around. Thanks for the food Remy! :)

On Peak Hill - Stars

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